NorCal GXOR Take over

Our annual PURE Friendsgiving get together was slated for Sat 11/26 and the NorCal GXOR Prairie City Take Over was the immediate morning after. We often questioned if we would be able to wake up after a long night of celebration, but miraculously we did! Well, some of us did. And we’re glad we didn’t miss the opportunity to check out some dope GX’s from NorCal.
It was a beautiful crisp morning at Prairie City to wheel and talk shop. Many GX’s showed up and even some Tacomas and 4runners decided to join the fun. PC has always been home to testing your rig’s current setup and that is exactly what everyone did for the greater part of the day.
Huge shout out to Ged and Jeff for getting everyone together for a successful meet and greet. It’s always nice seeing the 4x4 community get together, especially during the busy holiday season. We can’t wait for the next!